Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) Project

Starting Date: November 2016

The ESSN Project is the world's largest cash-based humanitarian assistance project with its number of beneficiaries and regular and long-term support planning. It is also the European Union's humanitarian assistance project with the highest budget in its history.

The ESSN Project, which has been implemented nationwide since 28 November 2016 within the scope of the EU Facility for Refugees in Türkiye (FRIT) established between the European Union, the project financier, and Türkiye, is designed to support vulnerable populations in Türkiye with Temporary Protection, International Protection, International Protection Application Status or Humanitarian Residence Permit to meet their basic needs.

Every month, cash assistance is deposited into the KIZILAYKART provided to beneficiary households that meet the project criteria, so that household members can meet their basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing in a dignified manner. Beneficiaries can withdraw their cash assistance from ATMs and/or use it for shopping needs through POS devices. At the same time, the economic resilience of the beneficiaries is increased through regular additional payments and their adaptation to social life is supported.

The impact of the Project on the beneficiaries is monitored through regular monitoring and evaluation activities in the field; decisions on targeting and support amount are taken by the Project partners based on the results of these studies.

Accountability and transparency towards the project donor and beneficiaries is a cornerstone of the ESSN Project.

The ESSN Project is implemented under the Social Safety Net (SSN) Programme, which is financed by the European Union, and assistance is delivered through the KIZILAYKART Platform in cooperation with the Ministry of Family and Social Services and the Türk Kızılay. The project is supported by the Presidency of Migration Management and General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs.

1,062,861 person

Number of People Receiving Regular Cash Assistance

30.9 billion ₺

Total Social Assistance

%63 female %37 male

Gender Breakdown of Beneficiaries

531.4 million ₺

Total Payment Amount in January 2025

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